A Pandemic Driving Advanced Changes in Technology
The effects of the global COVID-19 health emergency will generate years of research and analysis. Yet, the effects of this pandemic are already driving advanced changes in our technology. While innovators emerged from surprising sectors around the world, the need to protect populations while supporting local economies led to a resurgent boom in new technologies and digital platforms.
Turning COVID-19 Challenges into New Product Opportunities
For businesses that experienced disruptions in their supply chains, manufacturing capabilities, and turnkey partners, innovation is no longer a “nice to have” but an existential necessity. Although the SARS-CoV-2 virus created new hurdles, those who saw opportunities in the challenges could still maintain growth while changing focus and adding value to their customer’s lives.
The COVID-19 pandemic became the ultimate catalyst for change in today’s technology sectors. From students needing collaboration tools to organizations deploying elevated security solutions to protect business systems, the remote work and learning ecosystems needed rapid advancement.
Let’s look at some of the trends emerging in a post-COVID-19 pandemic world.
Building Better Experiences for Users and Consumers
Even though user experience (UX) has been a focus of attention for technology companies over the past ten years, this now demands rapid advancement to ensure commercial success. Advanced techniques in printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) and electronic manufacturing opened a new vista of possibilities but often lacked the necessary personalization users wanted from their devices.
With new product development teams rushing exciting solutions to the market, manufacturers should ensure they elevate their UX capabilities to remain competitive. When companies are designing new electronic devices, the final product should promote convenience, personalization, and agility for all users and their digital experiences.
Robotizing and Automating Healthcare Systems
Moving to electronic screening, analysis, and monitoring solutions is a vital step in protecting the essential workers responsible for keeping communities safe. Mobility, data analysis, and dispensing key materials are now a focus for major robotics firms around the world.
Deploying advanced robotics to aid in public health efforts will remain a focus for technology firms in the future. Similarly, concerns about artificial intelligence (AI) and data security will need a review before moving to long-term healthcare robotics.
Agile Manufacturing and Product Development
Responding quickly to changes in the market, consumer behavior, and the latest trends will be more important than ever before. Establishing agile supply chains, finding adaptable partners, and reducing the turnaround times for new product development is now a vital consideration for your company.
Choose Sonic Manufacturing as Your Agile Manufacturing Partner
Sonic Manufacturing remains dedicated to being an agile electronic manufacturing partner and solution provider to organizations that need expert engineering support and supply chain solutions. Our team can assist your organization with high-quality electronic manufacturing and assembly solutions from our headquarters in Fremont, California. As technological development continues to drive advancement, our solutions enable your product teams to turn prototypes into functional, usable, and reliable products.
If you need a high-quality manufacturing solution from prototype to shipping, get in touch with Sonic Manufacturing to discuss your needs.
(510) 580-8500